Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Burlesque is one of my favorite movies. Here is the definition of the word burlesque as found on Wikipedia. Beginning in the early 18th century the term burlesque was used throughout Europe to describe musical works in which serious and comic elements were juxtaposed or combined to achieve a grotesque effect. Burlesque is the epitome of perfection :) Burlesque is about a girl from Iowa who moves to the big city of Los Angeles with the hopes of becoming a singer/dancer. she comes across a club with the "best view" on sunset strip called Burlesque. with as little luck as a mustard seed she starts out as a waitress in the club. she finally gets a chance to audition to be one of the dancers and gains a spot. she tries her best to fit in with the L.A. girls, but does not succeed for a while. she then gets a chance to prove her self as a dancer when a jealous co-worker tries to embarrass her on stage but the complete opposite happens. she finishes her dance along with her singing the song. the crowd goes wild along with the club owner. and of course like most all other movies, there is a love life happening with the small town girl and a bar tender from the club.
burlesque is not a special movie made to show a significant past like the titanic or anything. it is just a movie that makes me :D! i am a fan of dancing and burlesque captures dance to a "T".

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